Your Security is Our Priority

Wire Fraud Guidance

Fraudsters move fast when they successfully convince a victim to wire money. When stolen funds arrive in a fraudster’s bank account, they quickly engage a network of money launderers who withdraw the funds in cash, transfer them to other accounts, and/or convert them to cryptocurrency.

Wire transfers are intended to be a final and irrevocable method of payment. While FSB may attempt to request a recall of the wire transfer, it’s important to note that this is not always possible. The receiving bank may be unable to reverse the transaction, especially if the funds have already been moved or withdrawn.  

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Learn to protect yourself from Identity Theft - Consumers

The simple fact is you can protect yourself against most forms of identity theft. The first step is education. To make it easier to understand, we’ve divided identity theft into the five “Danger Zones.” Take a few moments to learn about each of the Danger Zones and the steps you can take to avoid being a victim.

Identity Theft Information for Businesses

You’ll see and hear about practical steps your business can take to protect personal information. After you experience the tutorial, we hope you’ll take advantage of the other resources on this site to educate your employees and customers. This information is provided by the Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection.

Consumer Alerts

Stay alerted to information regarding your privacy and security.

Protect your Company from Check Fraud

With cybercrime on the rise, the threat of check fraud remains a significant concern for businesses.